It is better to publish less. Instead of publish daily, I can publish weekly, or monthly, or even once a year.
If what I do is good enough, people will discover it and share it.
But high quality and super valuable content. Something that will feel illegal not to share with friends.
After all, I am not an audience builder. I don’t have plans to build a huge audience and sell something to people.
I am exactly at the number of followers and friends I feel enough for me.
I do enjoy having conversations with great minds, help makers, and let’s be honest some little vanity never hurts.
But I want to make great work! I want to make stuff that will meet my highest standards and I can be proud of, too.
However, there is a tiny caveat. It is impossible to produce great stuff in one step. To my experience, it takes a lot of iterations to make something, improve it daily and make people love it.
And without others feedback, is it possible to improve?