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Personality Basins

Recommended by Daniel Blank

This post is my bookmark including notes on Personality Basins by near .

Mathematical optimization was my favorite subject at university. Since then, I have infused that theory deep inside me and often view reality through its lens.

In that post, the author applies it to human personality and it is fascinating to me how much his model is consistent with how I experience myself and how perceive the world.

It also could be applied to how one wants to raise their kids. Hint: By creating an environment that kids will try to optimize for.

It also highlighted the problem I currently (November 2024) experience with social media. I feel that my personality is captured and I canโ€™t escape that. It is almost a disease for me and my brain is being fried every day.

Some questions I have after reading the post:

  1. Optimization is about fitting the environment. But what about personal experience? Or is that one of the dimensions optimization is also done for? I mean, what exactly are we optimizing for? For the Self to be happy?

Action items for me:

  1. Review my approach to how I work with social media.
  2. Check the recommended reading list and discover if there are any new books or posts I want to read.